make the tough decisions
- 作出艰难的决定

It 's a lonely job because you have to make the tough decisions .
But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions .
Like many emerging markets , critics say , Brazil failed to use its boom years to make the tough decisions needed to drive productivity growth .
Sometimes you need to make the tough decisions , blow off some steam on an innocent person , or act like a cocky know-it-all .
" In a time of war , the president must have the power he needs to make the tough decisions , including , if need be , the decision to grant himself even more power . "
Despite substantial legislative actions over the past year and a half , there is widespread and serious concern about the willingness to work across party and ideological lines and to make the tough decisions , necessary to meet our challenges .
Tonight we tell Wisconsin , we tell our country , and we tell people all across the globe that voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the tough decisions Mayor Barrett promised to work with Governor Walker to try to bring the state together .
Reed said the Iraqis are not feeling enough pressure to make the tough political decisions that are desperately needed .
' We just re-direct their thinking , ' Dr. Yeager says . ' They make all the tough decisions and exhibit the grit and tenacity to succeed . '